Good times.
Today was a nice, relaxing day at yon-chu. It was art day, so the kids painted pictures all day. The first- and second-graders went to various parks to do their work, while the third graders went around the school and drew. It was great, because I got to know the 3rd graders a lot better. Unfortunately, I teach 3rd graders with the teacher who is a bitch, so I dont really have the opportunity to feel comfortable and mess around with the 3rd graders in class like I do with the other kids. So, this was a good day. I started trying to draw a picture myself, but it sucked, so I gave up and walked around to see what everyone was drawing. Some of the kids were really good.
For the most part, I chilled in a classroom with four girls who are very cool. They always test me to remember their names, so I actually remember them- Risa, Mizuki, Yuka, and Eri. Now, Japanese people have a tendency to shorten words or names as much as possible. For example, Brad Pitt is often referred to as "Brappy," a cool band called Beat Crusaders are often called "Be-Cru" and things like that. So, we were talking about restaurants in Japan, when I mentioned First Kitchen, a delicious japanese fast food chain. Well, apparently they shorten this to "Fir-keen." Now, with a Japanese accent, this sounds EXACTLY like "fucking." Man, when I heard Yuka say that I burst out laughing and she had no idea why. I explained that this is "Eigo no waruguchi" (English badmouth) and they laughed a lot too. Good times!
The following picture is from a 2nd grade picture. I had been waiting for a time when there would be no one in the classroom so I could get this picture. I think it summarizes all that is funny about Engrish.

Need I explain anymore?
In all honesty, the whole L-to-R confusion with Japanese people makes a lot of sense when you've studied the language, but who cares. This is too funny. Especially since it's plastered in the center of a public junior high school's classroom.
Here's a picture of Manami and me. It's actually from a couple weeks ago. Aren't we cute?

Oh, and I shouldn't forget to mention. Today was my first time being hungover at work. Oh god, the morning sucked. I thought a puking session was imminent. Last night, I got waasted at an izakaya with the other Tsuchiura ALTs (assisstant language teachers) and also one of the vice principals at a different school. He was cool and apparently liked my drinking ability, because he wanted my number and email. Sweet, I have a 50-year old Japanese friend. That's all.
You guys are too adorable. You should bring her to R-town over break.
You need to submit your pics to man. Also, I would imagine they would teach them "hey this L sound is hard, but it is written L." so I still dont get how they *write* it wrong
you lady is sooo taint.
manami-manomi-maninme-ohhh baby
Wade...incest is best
what's up with no recent entries? you're diasappointing your adoring public. now start typing.
Ryan where are you? Your postings get me through the workday!!! please update soon. Love, Lucy
Yeah we're getting worried. What else is there for us to do at work? You don't have to write something every day, but at least every few days or so. Please!!
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