Hello, girls!!
Because today was another great day, I figured i'd let everyone see more of my world and post some pictures ;)
First, stories of today. Okay, so I woke up and put on my nice polo dress shirt that's 80% linen and 20% silk. I got it at Marshall Field's. It was marked down from $85 to $22. Not bad right?
Well, that's all. Later.
Okay, just kidding. Anyhoo, I headed to school and thought I had to teach 5 classes today, as that's what my schedule said. Of course, nothing's ever right on my schedule, and I only had to teach 4 classes, for one of which Nakazawa-sensei had a meeting. So there's my foreign ass standing in front of 33 Japanese kids who barely understand any English and I'm trying to run a class. We were supposed to play bingo, and we kinda did, but mostly the kids just asked me if I knew about various manga, j-pop singers, video games, and stuff like that. One kid asked me if I knew Michael Jackson, and i said "okashii" (weird, strange, etc) and everyone laughed. For some reason, if I don't understand the kids, and i say "huh??" everyone cracks up for a long time. Maybe my facial expression or my furry eyebrows or something. I don't know. Might I add that school lunch was delicious today. I ate with the 2-1 class (13-14 year olds) and it consisted of a mashed potato croquette, tomato-based veggie soup, a little salad, and some bread w/strawberry jam (again, for some reason i dont understand, the kids thought it was funny to give me their jam...whatever, i used that shit!), and then a pudding custard thing. Pretty good stuff.
Uh, lets see, so after lunch, I sat on the computer waiting for 4 o clock to come around, because I didn't have anymore classes. I looked at things like urbanoutfitters.com, cnn.com, and maybe some other stuff. Then I got done with work and headed home, put a suit on, then went to an interview for some extra part-time money. I got hired to teach Tuesday for 2 hours and 40 minutes, and they will pay me the equivalent of $80. NICE! If I do well, they'll give me more hours, too. The demand for english teachers here is so ridiculous and awesome.
On my way home, I had Genkotsu ramen in mind, but then passed Ringer Hut, a restaurant I was interested in. I rode passed it, but then turned around to check it out. To my delight it was yasukute oishii (cheap and delicious). Picture time, bitches!!
Here's what I ate tonight...it looks like ramen, but it's called "Champion set" (with a Japanese accent of course). It was great, and according to the menu, only has 800 kCal (they're not calories in japan...they're kCal- more specific i guess).

After I got home, I was on the computer, then wanted to get in the bath. As i turned around to go to the bathroom, I saw this crawling on my dress shirt (that I wasn't wearing at the time)

Yeah, then I killed that sumabitch,
The following are some pictures I took at the sports festival last weekend.

This is "Esasa," which i described somewhere below, and is also the charade that I did in front of all the colleagues.

This is just a general shot of the crowd, students, etc at the sports festival

And here's another event. It's like capture-the-flag-that's-on-top-of-the-bamboo. The kids climbed them, knocked em down, and grabbed the flag. It was fun to watch.
These are the three colleagues that i'm the best friends with, Maatsura, Nagasawa, and Okesha. They rule. This was before I was on stage with them. Note Nagasawa (in black) is chugging the entire beer. I love Japanese people and their love of alcohol.

Finally, because I know some of you may be wondering how i'm doing, and because i haven't put a picture of my sweet-ass self on this blog. Here's how I'm looking these days. That's Manami, too.

Alright, I'm off to Tokyo after work tomorrow. Updates and pictures to ensue. (Also, Courtney- you'd be surprised. I actually like the milk here more than American milk. It's sweeter or something. Their cheese is not bad either, but most Japanese people hate cheese anyways. For a vast amount of other food-related things, though, American's do it better.)
Ryan, I cant believe you're already back in Japan! The last time I talked to you, you were just going to an interview for it...Im so fucken jealous you hmonger fucker....Where are you teaching? I cant believe they let you be a teacher....lol. =P Tell Hoko and Manami I said HELLO BITCHES. =D
OH MY GOD THAT ROACH IS SO NASTY!!! ugh, i thought the nyc ones were bad. ugh, ugh, ugh....
Ryan, This blog is so cool. It gives me a much better sense of what you're doing, what it's like, blah blah blah. So are you digging it? Do you think after 7 months, you'll want to come back for good, or might you go back again, or stay longer, whatever. And is the chick in the picture your lady?
what up R? That pic of you and Manami is frickin HI-LARIOUS! ummm Karen Perez-Williamson has been checkin out tha blog and comes in to school every day cracking up. I think she can appreciate it more since she's met you and all. Ummm... don't forget to check out my school blog so youse can see all the awesome work my kids are doing. I just got permission from all parents to start posting their kids pics. Lay-tah!
I'm stunned at how quick you got back to Japan, looks like you're having an awesome time teaching. I'm trying to get over there again this summer for research, we'll see if that works out - if it does, we should chill. That's all, I suppose! Take care and drink some chu-hi for me!
I am jealous of your adventure. It sounds like an amazing time. I wish we could come visit..maybe we will...By the way, I'm eating cup of noodles for lunch...that's authentic japanese...right
by the way..that was amy
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