It might be early in the morning your time, but it's well into the AM over here, and "Yopparatta" means "I am drunk!" YES! Weekend 4 is in the books. I have pictures! I have bad news too. As I took my camera out to take the following picture, I dropped it, and now my camera is pretty much fucked up and broken. I can still manage...but Christmas wishes are just around the corner. Get it? Ehhhh??
Jonathan. I took this picture just for you, and as I just mentioned, broke my camera because of it. So check these badass kicks out.

Badass, right? While we're on it, I went to a Nike Outlet store today...Unlike that one we went to in Florida, they had Dunks all over the place on outlet prices. I didn't get any, but plan on returning soon.
Anyhoo, Friday night, Manami came to Tsuchiura and we took the bus to Tsukuba (where I took the above picture). We found a delicious restaurant on the top floor of the mall. Our dinner looked as such:

Yum, dude!
Today, we went to the Tokyo Game Show. The biggest video game convention IN THE WORLD!! YEAAAH! There were lots of foreigners (yuck), and lots of games to play, and it was way too crowded. Pictures!

After said events, we went to Subway to get a snack. Subways here kick ass! They havea avocado shrimp sandwiches and wasabi dressing and oh my god it's good. Next, we got on a train for about 30 minutes then hit an izakaya in Kashiwa (for the new readers here, an izakaya is a traditional bar/restaurant where you go and eat food. These places are laid out like mazes and just finding the bathroom takes patience and perseverence. It's like eating where a samurai might have eaten in the 1600s). Luckily, Manami's friend worked there, so we got drinks for free and tons of good food at a good price. Food included yakitori (chicken bone and god knows what else on a stick), raw octopus and wasabi which was delicious, blood orange sherbert, crepes, shrimp salad, other stuff that alcohol won't let me remember. It was good.
Then I got on a train by my lonesome back to Tsuchiura, hit the bike, and now i'm here. Might I mention that Sally Struthers has nothing with her buns of steel, because after all my bike riding, I have buns of platinum and they are absolutely divine!
Oh yeah, cute story. When I was on the train from the game show back to Kashiwa, there was this mom and her two girls on the train. They were probably 4 and 6. The 6 year old made eye contact with me and I smiled at her, then she said "Hello." It was adorable, then as they were getting off she said "Goodbye!" She must be a pretty smart little girl.
I think I got my pop culture references right. And I'm OUT!
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