Oh my god, I live in Japan

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The past few weeks: A long awaited update

Hi everybody! It's been a while, huh? Why don't we catch up? I've found a much better way to organize/upload pictures to my blog, so expect more pictures. This one's got a lot.

So, near the beginning of the month, Manami and I celebrated our one-year anniversary. This was a first one-year anniversary for both of us, isn't that cute? To celebrate, we went to an all-you-can-eat brazillian-style barbecue place. How romantic is that? Didn't take any pictures of the food, but I did take some pictures while we walked around Asakusa, the area of Tokyo where the restaurant was. We'll start off with this whiskey advertisement.

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Wait, what's that say? Yeah I've never really understood why this whiskey is called Nikka, but to make matters worse (or funnier depending on your personality and sense of humor), the bottles of whiskey usually have the word "Black" preceding "Nikka." Hmm...

Here was my attempt at being artsy and cultured. I thought this little street split quite nicely into "new Japan" and "old Japan." Dunno if I really captured it though.
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Manami's a sick accordionist.
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I don't really remember the sequential order of the next couple of pictures but whatever.

I spend much of my free time at work looking up restaurants I want to eat at in Tokyo. I found a great-sounding Israeli place near Ikebukuro so Manami and I decidede to try it. And holy fuck was it good. Possibly the best falafel i've ever had. If you come visit me, I'm taking you here for sure. About $20 for all you can eat and so worth it. I mean look at Manami's face!
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One weekend, we went drinkin. Big surprise. This is Manami, French Francois (the small one), Swedish Johan (the big one), and me (the cute one) at the Lock Up. It's an izakaya where they try and scare you and shit, and the drinks look like science experiements. Kitschy but fun every once and a while.
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Here's a pretty funny Engrish sign that was at the entrance to an apartment building. I guess only animals and robots can live there.
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My sick new shoes.
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Two weekends ago, Manami and I made a little day trip to Kamakura, which is sometimes referred to as Kanto's Kyoto (Kanto = the area made up of Tokyo and surrounding prefecture). Lots of temples and a big buddha. It was pretty fun, but Kamakura is actually very close to Yokohama, one of my favorite cities ever. So after sightseeing we went to Yokohama and ate at Hard Rock Cafe (That's 4 i've been to in japan now). Here's some pics.

Scenic coastal shot of Kamakura-
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The speciality treat of Kamakura is ice cream. More specifically, sweet potato ice cream. Weird in theory, delicious in reality.
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Many small, creepy buddhas.
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Manami being Japanese and praying to said buddhas.
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Me and the big man.
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Manami and her new friend.
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Yokohama night shot.
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Mashed potatoes and more at Hard Rock.
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Didn't eat this, but was very tempted. Pizza in a cone!
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Finally, last weekend we went to Tokyo Dome City, home of the Tokyo Dome where the Tokyo Giants play baseball, roller coasters, restaurants, shopping, and the world's first center-less ferris wheel. More pictures!

The roller coaster goes through the ferris wheel!! Even though the coaster cost 1000 yen, it was totally badass!
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Just being cute as usual.
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I won this from a UFO catcher (what japanese call the crane game things) at an arcade.
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His name is Marimokkori, which is a sweet play on words. Marimo is a green moss kinda ball thing that only grows in 3 places in the world, one being Hokkaido (the northernmost island in Japan). Mokkori is onomonopaea (that's a hard word to spell) for the sound of someone getting a boner. So, you can see he's got the bulge of an 80s rocker in leather pants. I now wear it on my cell phone and have gotten a lot of attention for it.

Some classic Engrish. I like shutting up beef too.
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Saw the Tokyo Giants play Yokohama. Tokyo won, it was a great game. Actually no runs till the 8th inning, when Yokohama got 2 home runs in a row. Then Tokyo was up and got 3 runs at the bottom of the 8th to win the game. Good shite.
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Pretty excited about the Giants winning....
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And finally, what I ate...Sumo wrestler food called Chanko Nabe. FUCKING YUM!!
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not Open to Man

11:49 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

we looked have so much fun everytime =)
i almost forgot that how romantic our 1 yeah anniversary was =P oooops!!

and 13month anniversary is coming soon <333 xox

10:39 PM  
Blogger Shhhh... said...


mmmmm... I miss you ry-ahn! When will I see you again? When will we make sweet hot love again? Does Manami read this blog? I don't care dammit! She should know! I ruv you. Niks

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You and Manami should give guided tours of Japan. Joan and Wade could start a web site for you. Target the young hip humerous hungry tourists. Hook up with a travel agent, write an intinerary, meals included (you eat for free) and start booking. Courtney and Carlos can be your practice clients.


2:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay! new post with pictures! i love it!

4:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not open to man...nikki has panties that say that

8:22 AM  
Blogger ryanmarks said...

hahaha who wrote that last comment? amy???

good idea stepdaddy, which would be whom???

11:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yup i read this blog ms. niks ;^)
Ryaaaaan is mine nikkiiiiiii <33 hehe =P

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome, Ryan. I was totally wondering who stepdaddy is too. So who are you, stepdaddy?

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so glad you're back. and also very pleased to see 9 comments. way to go everyone. fess up stepdaddy and anonymous. who are you? i'm psyched for carlos and i to be the guinea pigs. can't wait to see japan. but don't forget that mom, peter and jonny will be there very soon, those lucky bastards.

6:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan I'm hurt...come on...who's your stepdaddy?


12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had some great Itrian food last night from Cafe Greco.

Actually Rockfordian's should check that place out. One of Rockford's best kept secrets.

-Stevie T

4:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Put us out of our misery! Who is Stepdaddy?!

6:28 AM  

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