Oh my god, I live in Japan

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Time flies after a 12 hour airplane....

One year ago today, I landed in Japan knowing a very little amount of Japanese but knowing enough about the culture to annoy my friends with constant chatter about the place I wanted to visit so badly. A year later, I'm still here, but my Japanese still isn't all that good. Damn ridiculously difficult language.

I can't officially call this my one year anniversary though, because I was home from July 23 to August 30th. Still, I've spent the better part of the last year in this country, and had plenty of good times.

As some kind of celebration, I enjoyed my favorite meal this country has to offer- shabu-shabu. All-you-can-eat. It was good.

Nothing that noteworthy happened this weekend, save for the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol and a bad hangover in front of 7 year-old children. Those are always the best kind. Oh yeah, and I saw "The Prestige." I had never heard of this movie before, but maybe that's because, well, I've been here for almost a year. It just came here, so we went and saw it, making it the first movie I've seen in a Japanese movie theater. The theater was very comfortable, by the way. Apparently, Japanese people sit in the theaters until the credits end, too. Culture shock, man.

Anyone see this movie? It's really good, I highly reccomend it. I thought it was a little weird that it opened with a director's note saying, "Please don't tell the ending of this movie to anyone." Just kinda weird, I think.

After a 6 year absence from the Japanese market, Burger King made its triumphant return to Japan this weekend. I wasn't in Shinjuku, where it opened on Friday, to eat it, but I will make a stop there as soon as possible. I'll probably take pictures, too. The burger on Japanese lips is the teriyaki whopper. I kinda wanna try it.

That's all for now. Sorry for the lack of pictures. It's your fault though for not commenting recently ;)


Blogger Dash said...

I really like 'The Prestige.' Did you see 'The Illusionist' with Edward Norton....same kind of movie - about magicians in the 1800's, but in my opinion, MUCH better than 'The Presitge.' Check it out. Glad to hear all is well.

6:47 AM  

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