Doing the impossible.
Look at that consistency. It's like back in 2006 when I updated this thing all the time. Today will be short though.
Yesterday/today I officially did something I didn't think I'd do in Japan. As I mentioned, I was on the guestlist for both Minus the Bear and Motion City Soundtrack concerts, two bands hip with young people and oddly enough, directly across the street from each other. So one guest pass on each leg, i went back and forth between the two concerts and had a good time. Then I met up with ol' boy Brian Diaz who invited me to grab "a drink" with him at Minus The Bear. He took off about 15 minutes after sitting down to eat with the Motion City guys, but I stayed with Minus The Bear and watched the minutes on my watch ticking past last train. I said "fuck it" and decided I would stay out all night. MTB went home at about 1:30, then me and two groupie chicks met up with Brian and MCS again. There were a lot more people at their party and we drank a retarded amount of both hot and cold sake. 2:30 rolled around and it was time to go. Of course, that meant time to go nowhere, cuz I was stuck in Shibuya, and I'm not a hot groupie chick so I wasn't gonna ask for space in their hotel bed. So I went to a Internet Cafe and slept on a reclining chair for about an hour and a half until the trains started running. Well, then I got off too early in Shinjuku only to find that the next train wouldn't come for 20 minutes. That's a long time when you've been out all night. Then some douchebag asshole depressed douche jumped in front of a train and killed himself, so my train was delayed an hour and a half. FUCK. I ended up getting to my station at 7 AM and saw some of my students walking to school while I was still in my street clothes. That was weird. I went home and said "eff it" and slept till 9:45 and showed up to school late, but they were cool with it because I said I was sick and didn't miss any actual class time. Smooth operator.
In addition to teaching 3 classes with around 3 hours of sleep behind me, I worked part-time today in Kawagoe for a single 2 hour class. It seemed really long, and I think I might have started speaking gibberish, but I got my 7000 yen out of it and that's all that matters.
And for some reason I'm still awake and blogging.
Finally, here's a picture of me and some ADORABLE 4th graders at one of my elementary schools. Enjoy.

Dude, you're not going to beleive this, but I did EXACTLY the same thing last night, except the bands were different. Oh, wait, I actually went to sleep around 8:30 just like all us old-ass people do.
Did you see the dude after he was hit by the train? That's wild.
Ronnie G
oh my god! you must be a good teacher in JPn!! this picture makes me so happy Ryan!! good job!!
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