Last post before Mustique: Daft Punk and Iron Chef Morimoto's XEX
Word of warning: This post will make you hungry. Anyone on any last-minute Mustique dieters might want to skip this one.
First, two weekends ago, Manami and I saw the tour of the millenium that is Daft Punk Alive. This might have been better than the Red Rocks show I saw last summer. Maybe because the sound was better, or maybe it was just cool seeing Daft Punk in Japan. Great show, but I'm just gonna put one pic up, because there's millions of DP pictures on the internet that look the same as any I took. Still, the best concert I've ever been to.

Moving on, this last weekend Manami and I took on our second Iron Chef. This time it was the renowned Iron Chef Japanese Morimoto (the only Iron Chef to be on both the original Japanese show and the American one). I hate to say it mom, dad, and jonathan, but this MIGHT have been better than La Rochelle (Iron Chef French). In addition, this was our first time eating at a restaurant that is in a Michelin guide book (One star). Here we go. Don't say I didn't warn you.
First is the interior. You'll notice it's a teppan restaurant, like JMK or Benhiana. Nice lighting.

We'll do my meal first, cuz it was more expensive. What a dick. Ringing it at 13500 yen (about $120), it's by far the most i've ever spent on a meal for myself, but probably the best one too.
Starting off the meal was this, one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

It's five different kind of sashimi (raw sushi-grade fish). From right to left- toro (fatty tuna) with a bit of caviar, uni (sea urchin), ika (squid), ikura (salmon eggs, or caviar if you wanna be classy about it), crunchy bread kinda things, and one other sashimi but i can't remember what it is. Then we have wasabi, sour cream and avocado. You use the little paddle spoon and dip it in the special soy sauce in the top. This was absolutely amazing. What a way to start the meal.
Next appetizer- grilled leek with iberico pork. Delicious, juicy, melted in my mouth, etc.

Item 3. Lobster. The sauce had salmon eggs in it and a whole bunch of other stuff. Delicious. Look at that presentay.

Some apple/mint sorbet to rinse the pallet for the main.

Steak sauces and delicious, delicious salt on the right.

The main. Japanese beef with huge chunks of garlic and mushroom. There was also some greens, but I guess I took this picture too early. It did "beef up" the presentation though.

Side dish- wasabi flavored mashed potato.

Garlic rice:

After dinner tea, seaweed miso soup and tsukemono (pickled vegetables):

And finally, the most amazing desert I've ever had in my life. It's supposed to look like tofu with soy sauce, like in Kyoto. This, however, is the most perfectly prepared, light, creamy cheesecake with lemon syrup. Unbelievable.

Next is Manami's meal. Coming in at 10000 yen (about $89), cheaper but very impressive nonetheless.
Appetizer one- buffalo mozzarella with tomato and some kind of fish.

Sashimi in the same style as mine, but with only toro.

Kamakura vegetables with ham-

Pre-main meat dish, sashimi chicken and a green salsa.

Her main was great. Think of like a Japanese tartare but almost like meatloaf. The green thing is made from asparagus and filled with creamy egg yolk. Mix it all together with the garlic and greens for the fanciest kind of comfort food I've ever had-

And that's it for today. A most memorable concert and meal to round off my blog for 2007. Hope you all enjoyed it. And may you all have a very merry christmas and a happy new years wherever you are! Love you all so much.
That looks awesome. How cool that you guys got to go there. I love Morimoto, by far my favorite of the foeign Iron Chefs. A total bad ass.
'The Week' - the magazine mom got us for Xmas last year, gave the new Daft Punk Cd a resounding 4 stars. Nice.
Have a great time on Mustique. Wish I were joining you, but Costa Rica is going to awesome! The boys are so psyched...
Love you, little bro...Wade
sorry for the last comment baby!!
WOW☆ all food pics you took look amaziiiing =) 上手だね~♪
even i was there with you ;P hehe
are you having great time in mustique??
i know you are... =D
drink a lot, ドラッグ a lot(just kidding ;P) and enjoy your time with your family<3
1st post after mustique? where is it?
ok, cool... i just brought many bran-new emo backgrounds 2 my blog
continue reading this.. there generic soma - soma dot drug test
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