Umare no hi.
Friday the 13th was the real celebration day of my birthday, even though my birthday was sunday. So, here's the rundown with pictures. First, I went with Manami, Seth, and Johann to an izakaya for two hours of all-you-can-drink, pretty good food, and acting gay. Here's some pictures to illustrate.

I guess maybe I should correct that, because after looking at these pictures, looks like I was the only one acting gay. I swear that's not how I remember it though.
Next we met up with some more friends, including my good, somewhat tiny French buddy Francois and his girlfriend Wakana (I'm pretty sure thats her name). We went to everyone's favorite standing-room-only-bar Tasu Ichi. Not many pictures from that excursion, but here's Manami and I being cute as usual.

Then we went to Sakura house, the gaijin house where Seth and Francois live, and where Johan used to live. Someone there, can't remember who, busted out god knows what alcohol. It was black and tasted like what I would imagine a mummy's butthole would taste like. Here's a couple reaction shots of Johan and myself following that disaster of a mistake.

Honestly, I dont know what the deal is right now, but my armpits smell like the Barbados airport. No joke.
Anyways, here's a group shot from the Sakura house.

Here's a picture from Womb, the club. You can't really tell, but one of the two DJs who totally kicked ass that night (Dex Pistols) is holding up a Daft Punk shirt out of respect and because they were playing the DP. It ruled. I danced my sexy ass off till around 4:30 or so.

Word, so Saturday the 14th it rained all day. ALL freaking day thanks to a passing typhoon, which is a Japanese word, but they don't say the "n" at the end. I don't know why it got tacked on in becoming an english word really. Anyways, Manami and I decided to order some pizza because the local place near me had a half-off (hanbaku) discount day. This pizza was awesome. So awesome that here's a picture. And the fries were free.

LOOK AT ALL THOSE TOPPINGS! That one in the back has squid, octopus, shrimp and other sea goodies on it! YUM!
Yeah, did I mention it rained all day? So we slept most of the day.
Sunday, my actual birthday it rained more, but eventually let up a little bit. Manami and I went shopping in Omiya (the biggest area in my city) and had a little snack. Here's why Japanese fast food restaurants kick ass.

What's that? It's from a restaurant called Lotteria, a fast food chain here, and this is a tandori chicken sandwich. How awesome is that? The bread is nan!! Like Indian bread Nan, ya dig?
Then we went to yakiniku dinner with her family, but she had work Monday so I went to Tokyo and met up with Seth. We drank till about 2, thereby missing the last train, and I fell asleep until about 5 at his place. Woke up, went home, fell asleep around 7 and then was awoken by the crazy earthquake. Friday was crazy, but my actual birthday was pretty chilled out.
Finally, I just went to the post office and had an "only in Japan" moment. Basically, I don't know the ATM number to my new bank account, which is actually run through the post office. I went about 2 weeks ago to get my new number, they said they'd mail it to me, I got a phone call because there was a problem last week, so I went in today. I know it's confusing, but basically I had a whole lot of runaround. I think the post office lady could see I was a little frustrated, so what did she do to reciprocate? She gave me a hand-towel!! Does that happen in America? I don't think so, anyways.
See you in 6 days give or take.