Cucumber cola.
I decided that in this post, I'm not gonna tell you what I did the past fews days. Instead, I'm gonna tell you what I DIDNT do. And that's enjoy this:

Can you read that label? Yes, it says "Ice Cucumber Pepsi." The genius who thought this idea up had to be, well, probably Japanese. I can't imagine this will ever be released anywhere outside of Japan.
But perhaps I'm being too harsh on the drink. Yes, it's true that if you look in my refrigerator, you will find over half the bottle has been drunk. Well, that's because I woke up with a hangover on Sunday after a night of drinking with Manami, Seth, Johan from Sweden, and Hacchan at an all-you-can-drink izakaya. There was nothing else to drink in my refrigerator. I swear to god. And actually, the taste isn't as bad as you might think. However, what is bad is the aftertaste. One friend described it as "that vomit aftertaste." So, you get the idea, I think.
Still, I've had cucumber pepsi and you haven't.
Why it's labeled "Pepsi" is beyond me. I can't find much in common with it's cola forefather besides carbonation. In a way, it kinda tastes like melon, too. I don't know, I think the drink left me more confused than anything.
Jesus, I almost posted this blog without mentioning something. It came to my attention late last night that Manami and I were indeed both featured on Japanese television. Yes, I spoke Japanese on TV. Kinda crazy shit right? Sadly, neither of us were aware we were gonna be on tv and we both missed it. Apparently, a lot of people didn't miss it though, as many of Manami's friends told her about it and a bunch of my students and teachers saw it too. I think it was a big surprise for everyone. We are gonna try and get our hands on a tape of it, but right now the TV station hasn't responded to emails. Derp.
And finally, a little story. I started working part-time in my new city yesterday. I got around $45 for talking to a man about chicago and my life (in english) for an hour and then helping a woman use her computer. Pretty awesome, but that's not my story. This is about my language ability. So before starting my lessons, I met with my boss and her friend happened to be there. We chatted for a while (almost completely in Japanese), blah blah blah. Now some foreigners measure their Japanese ability by test-taking levels or amount of kanji they can read or whatever. I don't do this, cuz it's not that important (Ahem, I can read around 200 kanji on a good day). Anyways, I was able to explain that mom came to Japan and enjoyed the heated toilet seats so much that she bought one for our house in America when she got back. I thought it was cool that I could explain that. And that's my lame story.